Project Updates
Construction of the projects that are part of the Community H2O Program will be completed in multiple phases, starting in late 2024 and continuing throughout the next several years.
Existing Water Treatment Plant Improvements
The existing plant was originally constructed in 1952 and has been expanded and improved over the years. Work done to date as part of the Community H2O Program has included:
Improvements to the Existing Water Treatment Plant (Existing WTP) to replace aging equipment throughout the plant, providing more reliable water treatment and greater operational flexibility.
Replacement of flocculators (enhances mixing during treatment), filter improvements, disinfection system improvements, replacement of high service pumps and backwash pumps, construction of a new clear well, replacement of the residuals pumps, as well as electrical-power and controls improvements.
The next phase of improvements at the Existing WTP will include major raw water piping modifications, backwash recycling, and treatment and emergency power generation. These improvements are currently at the 30% design completion level with construction anticipated to start early 2025.
Expansion of Existing Water Treatment Plant
An additional 12 MGD expansion to the existing WTP on land acquired adjacent to the current site will provide additional capacity for future demands as well as providing for some redundancy in the event that a portion of the existing 20 MGD treatment facility is off-line for maintenance or other reasons.
New “Downstream” Intake
The Program includes expansion of CPWS’s water supply capabilities with a new raw water intake and pump station located on the Duck River on the far western edge of Maury County. The new intake is currently being called the “Downstream” Intake. The Downstream Intake will expand the total withdrawal capacity from 20 MGD to 32 MGD between the existing and new intakes. The location of this new intake has been coordinated with the Duck River Agency and will not only provide additional raw water for CPWS’s customers, but also provide needed redundancy should drought conditions occur. This project is currently in the permitting and design phase.
Raw Water Transmission
To convey water from the new Downstream Intake to the expanded WTP, a new 36” diameter raw water transmission main will be required, running almost twelve miles through the west side of Maury County. This new main will be connected to the existing raw water transmission main that is being constructed in town. The expected construction start date for this portion of the Program is slated for early 2025.